The end of the work week is finally here. Life tends to change on Friday's. Everyone looking forward to the weekend and the many plans that are made during the week start to take shape. I am no different when it comes to the weekend. I look forward to every Friday like a child looking forward to Christmas. It would be nice if there were more Fridays, but I'll take one per week for now.
This weekend I head to Denver - going to lower downtown Denver - also known as LODO. The Colorado Rockies have made the World Series and although they have not had a stunning start to the Series I still want to experience the hype. I don't have tickets and I don't plan on going to the game itself. Rather I plan on wandering around the downtown neighborhood and enjoying several of the local sports bars/restaurants. I have never been to downtown Denver and want to check it out. I can't say that I am a die hard Rockies Fan - I'm more of a post-season baseball enthusiast. hanging out with my friends is going to mean more to me than the baseball game.
Next week I will be trained to be a Spin Class Instructor. I am looking forward to teaching. This will help me out as much as it helps out the others in the class. I tend to push myself more when around other athletes. And pushing on a spinner will really help my cadence on my tri-bike in the spring. Plus with the added weight training I am hoping for faster swim splits and more endurance on the bike.
I hope the weekend goes well - I have a feeling I will be pretty tired by Monday morning. Isn't that the whole idea behind the weekend. To go all out from Friday night till Monday morning and hope you have enough energy to start it up again until next weekend. CIAO! |