Have you ever heard the song "I Love Summer" by Haywood Banks. It has got to be the funniest song ever written about summer time events I have ever heard. I listened to it this morning on my run. I started laughing out loud and the other people on the trail must have thought I was nuts. Today's schedule rocked. It was my first time back on the trail running since my marathon. I got on the trail earlier than usual because the weather is suppose to be scortching today. Highs are predicted to be at the century mark. I did 4:00 miles at a decent 8:50 mile. My legs felt really good and there was no return of any Plantar Fasciitis or right ankle pain from before. I pushed a little bit harder at times and everything seems to be doing well. After the run I got in the pool and swam for about 40 minutes. I am trying to get my swim done in the regular pool but it is only 40 Ft long so it makes it difficult to maintain a rhythm. The endless pool is still not complete and it doesn't look like it will be anytime soon. I am not sure how far I swam this morning but I did work more on form than speed and feel that my form is getting better. I am feeling more balanced in the water lately. I have been working on keeping my head down and rolling more for breaths. There is still work to be done on my stroke though. I don't feel like am catching as much water as I should. One thing at a time, right. Ci vediamo ! |