WOW, my official first ride in cold weather. The faster I got to going the number my hands became.
This morning I got on my bike early enough for a great 30 mile ride. The sun still hiding behind the mountains. The air was cool, not particularly cold, but nice and crisp. I wore my bib shorts and a long sleeve jersey. I really wasn't thinking it was that cold this morning, and did not prepare for what was to come.
Did you know that at 25 mph in 40 degree weather that the wind chill is 29 degrees. Yeah, neither did I.
In town wasn't bad because I maintain about an 18mph speed, but the hill outside of town I can definately put some heat on my tires and I was moving around 30 mph. Funny thing was I was losing feeling in my fingers and I wasn't able to move my jaw fast either. Man, did it get cold fast. So like any good triathlete would do, I figured if I worked harder and faster I would warm up more. NOT. Just made me colder.
I was able to warm up once the sun got up above the mountain. Also the uphills slowed me down and I finally felt my fingers again.
Lesson learned, #1 - by full riding gloves, #2 - by riding pants, #3 - install a heater on my bike. (OK, maybe the last one won't work)